Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Spring and Summer 2016 Trene

Patterned patchwork

This season floral and pattern fashion prints are getting bigger and bigger this season there is a trend called patterned patchwork which is mix and matching on one garment, colours are brighter and bolder. Look for skirts and dresses with these bright colours and patterns being used to create eye catching clothing. Can keep it simple wear one item of clothing with is patterns or you can go out and wear a printed dress, patterned blouse over the top with a printed scarf, mixing and matching pattern is never for everyone and not alot of people do this but there is a few like myself who love print and it never goes out of fashion. Patchwork trend is multi patterned designs which are made to create attention and draw you in to all the different colours and textures the print creates on the clothing, it's a textiles technique, which helps to add depth and a centre focus.

Ditsy floral print.

Floral trend which is high is ditsy floral print it's a small scale of floral prints which are scattered or placed random rather than a design such as rows or stripes which are placed in an order. This is more places where they like which makes the design from a distant look as if this is solid colour. Floral seems to be the most commented theme in vintage ditsy print.

Floral and patterns are not for everyone there is people who love solid colours but adding clothing which has a textured look draws attention and being summer wear the bright colours make your day brighter with colour. I alway mix and match but when I do I do keep one theme the same which is colour, the prints are different but if I'm wearing a blue dress with green a patterns on I will wear a blouse with green patterns, keeping this in mind makes the outfit go together so doesn't look as if you have put any old thing together.

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