The latest new trend for Spring and Summer 2017 is one you have been seeing across the high street as well as designers are using this trend for their fashion catwalk for this season. The new trend is called embroidery, its based with different floral patterns, layouts and bright colours sewn into garments. As my family and friends know floral is one of my favourite trends it always has been and i think it always will be, but this certain design of floral is becoming my all time favourite, it's different, it stands out, you can wear one item of clothing and then mix it with abother trend such as block colours, another type of print work.
It's on everything you can think off, from dresses, shirts, skirts, jeans as you can see to the left, jackets and even shoes.
Think of the word embroidery, what comes to your mind? I think there is a lot of people out there who would put the world with your grandmothers and their grandmothera, and your right they used to sit there and do this however now we are wearing it instead of it being used for let's say, home use. This is a new trend which is hitting the shops every well but how is it made.
There is many techniques such as a detached chain stitch, a French knot and a fly stitch. It's amazing needle work which a lot of it is done by hand! yes people by hand imagine all the work they put it, for us fashion lovers to wear.
Also this new fashion trend is making it's way on the big screen, a new film called iboy 2017 the main girl lead at the end of the film is wearing a blue shirt which floral embroidery and you might watch this film and think I have seen something similar to this somewhere on the high street. The new spring and summer 2017 has already started and there are people like myself walking around in this trend already.
what are your views on this?
There is so many fashion trends out there and the one reason why I picked the his trend is because the floral trend is developing, it's being going on for years if you think about it but it's changing, it's showing new skills and techniques. Floral is a very feminine look and I know it's not everyones cup of tea and if it's not then there is a lot of amazing other trends to follow.
If this is look you want to try out for the first time I always suggest going with something small, look at the clothing above a denim blue skirt with floral embroidery at the bottom sides, it's not over the time, it's simple but stands out.
Fashion - Style
As everyone knows I love fashion and studied it for 3 years. I love making my own clothes and accessories. I'm a floral lover, mix and matching and the flowers and bow scarfs in my hair it's my trade mark. I love everything about fashion and what I'm doing is talking about fashion trends, current and old, showing off my Fashion Designs/Drawings. There is going to be alot of my opinions and everything which can relate back to the fashion industry. Enjoy x By Louise M Perry
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Thursday, 21 July 2016
who has it harder when choosing outfits... women or men
This is the question.
who has the hardest time choosing what to wear, men or women. Men's fashion had delevloped so much over the passed few years they do have more to choose from, but as all the women know we always say we have nothing to wear and have a wardrobe full of clothes. which one has it the hardest?
The last decade has made a massive number of men uneasy when it comes to going in stores and choosing something to wear as there is alot more fashion styles they can go into, there isn't just one style. When they are choosing jeans to they go for the tight skinny jeans, slim Jeans so they are not glued to their legs but fit nice, and then you have the Jeans which are baggy.
Before the mid sixties all mean had to worry about if they are going to wear a tie or not that was the only problem they had. Things have changed alot since then.
Men now want to look good and make sure they do so do they have more pressure on them as women or less?
Men now have so many different cuts and shape for their body type now. do they go for a suit with a tight fit, what colour and material are they going to choose and they don't want to come across like they have gone to so much effort even though really we know they have. There is as much pressure on a man to look good as much as us women have, they have their grooming tools making sure their facial hair is looking good, skin products and there is even men out there dying there hair as well. Men dress for their shape but there shape is more or less if they are broad shoulders or what size their waist and chest size is, I think jeans and suit wear is the hardest for men to choose as they could be tall and need a long in the legs or arms and then most stores have alot of regular but not long so that's when it can become alot harder for them as they do have to have a suit and a pair of jeans which are well fitted to them to work. Men want to look good but still want to look manly so they tend to go for the normal type of material instead of a silk top for example. Most men work out and then they tend to wear the fitted t shirts, as you wouldn't see a very slim build or a bigger build person wear the tight fitted t shirts they will tend to go for loose clothing.
But also men don't know how lucky they are as they can throw on a shirt and trousers and look smart. women have so many different little touches to make as how do I style my hair in different ways, what style of clothing is going to fit them better for there shape as ladies know we have to think about our chest and hips also. Making sure we are wearing something which is...
what's going to suit our shape
how do I create a shape if they have a boyish figure.
What style do I go for.
We do have alot of more styles and cuts to men which makes it hard for women.
who has the hardest time choosing what to wear, men or women. Men's fashion had delevloped so much over the passed few years they do have more to choose from, but as all the women know we always say we have nothing to wear and have a wardrobe full of clothes. which one has it the hardest?
The last decade has made a massive number of men uneasy when it comes to going in stores and choosing something to wear as there is alot more fashion styles they can go into, there isn't just one style. When they are choosing jeans to they go for the tight skinny jeans, slim Jeans so they are not glued to their legs but fit nice, and then you have the Jeans which are baggy.
Before the mid sixties all mean had to worry about if they are going to wear a tie or not that was the only problem they had. Things have changed alot since then.
Men now want to look good and make sure they do so do they have more pressure on them as women or less?
Men now have so many different cuts and shape for their body type now. do they go for a suit with a tight fit, what colour and material are they going to choose and they don't want to come across like they have gone to so much effort even though really we know they have. There is as much pressure on a man to look good as much as us women have, they have their grooming tools making sure their facial hair is looking good, skin products and there is even men out there dying there hair as well. Men dress for their shape but there shape is more or less if they are broad shoulders or what size their waist and chest size is, I think jeans and suit wear is the hardest for men to choose as they could be tall and need a long in the legs or arms and then most stores have alot of regular but not long so that's when it can become alot harder for them as they do have to have a suit and a pair of jeans which are well fitted to them to work. Men want to look good but still want to look manly so they tend to go for the normal type of material instead of a silk top for example. Most men work out and then they tend to wear the fitted t shirts, as you wouldn't see a very slim build or a bigger build person wear the tight fitted t shirts they will tend to go for loose clothing.
But also men don't know how lucky they are as they can throw on a shirt and trousers and look smart. women have so many different little touches to make as how do I style my hair in different ways, what style of clothing is going to fit them better for there shape as ladies know we have to think about our chest and hips also. Making sure we are wearing something which is...
what's going to suit our shape
how do I create a shape if they have a boyish figure.
What style do I go for.
We do have alot of more styles and cuts to men which makes it hard for women.
Also women's fashion has changed so much over the decades. Women's trousers have a longer history than people know, women have only just learned that trousers can be smart and well fitted trousers can have a sex appeal about them in certain colours however when women first wore trousers there was alot of jokes saying they are masculine and not attractive they were they were said they were only suitable for very slim rangy outdoor type of women which personally makes you think im glad I wasn't born in that time and also if people wore dresses and skirts that was not floor length would be talked about and called crude names as they shiuld always be seen one way which was nice and neat.
Nice and neat?
many decades ago how are women meant to win against this.
women have more to go with the outside when they are wearing dresses or skirts are they going to wear no tights, black tights and also and then we are always matching everything together like a purse, bag and then are we going to wear simple jewellery or are we going to go for something big and a statement. Women have a lot of pressure to look good and not just with clothing, we have our hair and make up to and every women knows if one part of our make up is not on point thats it we start again. Women always ask their friends if something looks good on them and ask for advise from their friends when they choose an outfit. Do men do this?
but the questions is who has it harder?
think about it
I'm quiet easy when it comes to picking what to wear as I do have my own style which is personally mine it's never been that hard for me I always have an idea in mind when I'm getting up in the morning but I always have to make sure I do look good in anything I am choosing sometimes I can be like I don't know what to wear and I open my wardrobe and it's like I have so many clothes but I never spend hours thinking I always do within the next 15 minute's what I'm going to wear.
Maybe now we are both equal now when it comes to it.
Have a think
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Key trends to always keep in your wardrobe
key trends
Trends in fashion change so much what comes in style and what goes out but everything always still comes back around, trends which was in the 90's come back around to be the biggest trends right now so don't get throwing away clothes because there not in trend it's about making it a new style with something that's in trend right now. I never throw clothes away, If it fit me and I still love the style, then yes im going to be wearing them in or out of trend.
Trends changes as fast as the weather does its hard to keep up and there is some people out there who wouldn't be dead seen wearing something which was a few seasons ago. My wardrobe consists of style that suit me in stlye and colour and I love to wear. I have a dress I made 3 years wear it all the time and I mix it with what's in trend now or whatever I like as trends come back around and there is alot that come back every summer time. Keep your clothes don't be throwing them out.
mix the old with the new!
Denim -
Denim never seems to go out of style it's there every summer without fail, in shirts, shorts, skirts and jackets and now in dresses. keep tha denim jacket of yours as your will wear it again and again.
Floral -
Coming from a floral lover this trend is always here and is staying but to be honest even if it wasn't and would never be back in trend I would still wear it because it's my style. You have to have your own style aswell as following what everyone else is wearing.
The floral print is meant to make you feel in that summer mood, the sun is out, dress colourful enjoy the weather as much as you can and makes your day better kind of feeling.
Sandels -
Every year without fail sandles are always in fashion as soon as spring hits you, you start seeing them in store. This is a trend which will never go out and I know alot of people out there once winter comes out these shoes at the back if the wardrobe and then when summer comes back around go out and buy new ones and it repeats it's self.
Get them back out sandels look the same every year maybe with a slight change but come on every year have a wardrobe with a collection of clothes for every year. Keep them get them back out your feet are not going to grow.
You get people every year saying when it's summer they have no summer clothes... what why? where did your summer clothes go from last year.
There is always going to be a new trend it doesn't mean not to follow it, it means add it to your collection of clothes you already have, style this around what you already have, add it to what your wearing!! have something you wore last year or the year before that with a jacket what's in style now a colour which is a new trend and you haven't got that colour. It's about building up different styles to your own not throwing away or not wearing something.
Go have a look in your wardrobe right now I'm sure your find something in there you haven't worn for a very long time.
am I right?
now go get it out off that hanger and wear it.
Saturday, 2 July 2016
Top tips for holiday packing!
A friend told me this would make a great topic as she is going away this weekend thought it would help her with her packing which I know for a fact I will be using these tips for my self.
When it comes to packing deep down we all hate it, the check list making sure we have everything packed and we all want it done days before we go away but it never ends up that way. It's always a last minute panic, it's ether from the six pair of shoes we look at, the holiday dresses we have seen and the extra cute things we see and want to wear and of course we think about the hair and make up we need to look good for the nights out but do we really all need everything we pack!!! Travelling light is way hard than it looks than people think because it's always the extra things you need.
First thing is to lay everything you want to take with you out on the bed and then half it, we never wear everything we take with us, we pack way more than we need we all do it. Everyone feels different on holiday so take the clothes you feel the most comfortable in.
When it comes to going on holiday we think shoes but really you don't need that many shoes than you think. Break it down, do you really need 4 pairs of heals and 5 pairs of sandles which look the same, NO. Take a pair of nude or black sandels these can be worn for a night out or a day at the beach. Flip flops you know are going to be used for walking around the pool, when it comes to it take one ot two pairs as your on holiday it's different wearing sandels if they are heals or flats it doesn't matter I bet you half the shoes you take won't even make it out of the suitcase, look at your clothing take a nude and black colour you can't go wrong with these as they go with everything. This saves space in your suitcase for things you are going to need and remember always pack the shoes at the bottom and in the corners of the bag.
Make a check list and one by one tick it off while putting the iteams away. Make sure you do a good few days before you go because we all hate rushing last minute don't we. I always try and plan but it never works maybe I will get better at this.
What has been said is you really only need about 10 main items of clothing for holiday as you can mix and match. When it comes to going out on the night that's when it's like what do I pack. Hopefully this would help you. Take a going out skirt and then few tops to make this outfit you can wear the skirt more than once, light wear dresses do not take up space at all so take a few of these as you can use the scarf your taking for the beach to wrap around your arms if you get chilly on the night. Like I said the 4 pair of shoes you are taking go with everything you don't need to have a different pair of shoes for every night trust me you won't wear them. The towels take up the most space and they are the heaviest thing you will be taking put and there is a few ways you can go around by doing this. You can ether roll them tight and place them in the sides and corners of the suitcase or you can lay them flat right at bottom or the last thing you put in the suitcase lay them flat over everything you are taking and then zip up.
Enjoy and getting packing guys x
When it comes to packing deep down we all hate it, the check list making sure we have everything packed and we all want it done days before we go away but it never ends up that way. It's always a last minute panic, it's ether from the six pair of shoes we look at, the holiday dresses we have seen and the extra cute things we see and want to wear and of course we think about the hair and make up we need to look good for the nights out but do we really all need everything we pack!!! Travelling light is way hard than it looks than people think because it's always the extra things you need.
First thing is to lay everything you want to take with you out on the bed and then half it, we never wear everything we take with us, we pack way more than we need we all do it. Everyone feels different on holiday so take the clothes you feel the most comfortable in.
When it comes to going on holiday we think shoes but really you don't need that many shoes than you think. Break it down, do you really need 4 pairs of heals and 5 pairs of sandles which look the same, NO. Take a pair of nude or black sandels these can be worn for a night out or a day at the beach. Flip flops you know are going to be used for walking around the pool, when it comes to it take one ot two pairs as your on holiday it's different wearing sandels if they are heals or flats it doesn't matter I bet you half the shoes you take won't even make it out of the suitcase, look at your clothing take a nude and black colour you can't go wrong with these as they go with everything. This saves space in your suitcase for things you are going to need and remember always pack the shoes at the bottom and in the corners of the bag.
Roll every item of clothing that can be rolled it will stop from creasing and will arrive in the beat shape possible for you.
I absolutely love scarfs but this is an amazing idea for you and I will be using this one as I love scarfs so much I have about 15 of them, scarfs are light and the material is so thin. You can wear tbem to make an outfit or when it's a chilly afternoon and to wrap around your arms, use this for the beach, wrap it around your waist this will easier to pack than having loads of shorts in your case and will look a not better also think about it.
Take a see through washing bag with you add your sun cream, lotions, shampoo. They are light weight and the best thing is they are see through so your be able to see if you missed anything as we all know we panic when we think we have forgot something and I am one of these people I will go crazy thinking have I forgot this but seeing it there in the bag makes everything that big better. Also buy them travel bottles for lotions. I have to pack my face cleaning products and will not leave home without them, even more on holiday as your going to sweat from the heat and also you don't know what they use in their pools, I love having clear skin so making sure I'm still cleaning my skin the way I do at home makes me feel better. The travel bottles are amazing for this and also takes up alot less space than you think and they only cost a pound for a set of them.
What has been said is you really only need about 10 main items of clothing for holiday as you can mix and match. When it comes to going out on the night that's when it's like what do I pack. Hopefully this would help you. Take a going out skirt and then few tops to make this outfit you can wear the skirt more than once, light wear dresses do not take up space at all so take a few of these as you can use the scarf your taking for the beach to wrap around your arms if you get chilly on the night. Like I said the 4 pair of shoes you are taking go with everything you don't need to have a different pair of shoes for every night trust me you won't wear them. The towels take up the most space and they are the heaviest thing you will be taking put and there is a few ways you can go around by doing this. You can ether roll them tight and place them in the sides and corners of the suitcase or you can lay them flat right at bottom or the last thing you put in the suitcase lay them flat over everything you are taking and then zip up.
Enjoy and getting packing guys x
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Trail covering up the mirrors in stores
Mirrors being covered up with paper.
I read about this and it really made me think about it and what must be going through the women's mind when they go and try ans outfit on even more as lot of people know I'm from Birmingham and move to London nearly 2 years ago
Third of shops in selected hammerson centres including the bullring shopping centre are covering up the mirror in the women's changing rooms and this will be going on in till next week. This is a new trial aimed at boosting the confidence in shoppers mainly women as in a survey it said 77% in the west midlands do not feel confident buying a new outfit and looking in the mirror in the stores!
Personally for me maybe because the mirrors are awful they are not hung right and also the lightening in the changing rooms does nothing for noone. Why don't store find better lightening and mirrors instead of blaming the people.
bosses have said "People should buy an outfit based on whether it not it makes them feel fabulous, not how unflattering changing room mirrors make them look"
NO!!!! I'm not sure if people will agree with me but this is a no, it also needs to look good on the personal what if they love the outfit but doesn't look good on them and it could be for any reason say for example colour makes them look washed out, it's not the style for their body shape, as if you shop for your body shape the more flattering and better the clothing looks on a person. To be this is about sales and making people buy things they are not going to wear, Why would you buy something you can't see how it looks on you because your going to get home try it on and ether love or hate it. If you hate it then one thing is that your going to be pissed off you have to go all the way back to the shopping centre to return the clothing. You are meant to look at what the clothing looks like on you its how you choose your style and what suits you its not about making your self feel bad because something doesn't look good on you, you find your shape you find what suits you and flatters your figure and dress to it, I promise your feel alot more confident about your self this way than not looking in the mirror.
Survey of 1,000 women by research company mortar also found 52% have low self esteem when looking in the mirror.
They think having more service in store at the changing rooms helping you decide if you look good or not. Women would you want some stranger telling you, you look good in the outfit your trying on or would you rather see if yourself, personally for me I wouldn't believe the people in stores as it's about sales unless you went to a private boutique and it's there job to make sure you look good for example wedding consultants. I know this as I used to be one we made sure the bride looked her best and had a dress which suited her figure.
One a women knows what style of clothing suits them it's easy to go shopping you shop for your shape if yor hour glass, straight, pear, top heavy, boyish figure. What ever Shape you are there is different styles out there to suit everyone you have to be confident in yourself to look into it and be like ok never thought about that style before. Do that and you will look in the mirror and feel good.
Enjoy x
I read about this and it really made me think about it and what must be going through the women's mind when they go and try ans outfit on even more as lot of people know I'm from Birmingham and move to London nearly 2 years ago
Third of shops in selected hammerson centres including the bullring shopping centre are covering up the mirror in the women's changing rooms and this will be going on in till next week. This is a new trial aimed at boosting the confidence in shoppers mainly women as in a survey it said 77% in the west midlands do not feel confident buying a new outfit and looking in the mirror in the stores!
Personally for me maybe because the mirrors are awful they are not hung right and also the lightening in the changing rooms does nothing for noone. Why don't store find better lightening and mirrors instead of blaming the people.
bosses have said "People should buy an outfit based on whether it not it makes them feel fabulous, not how unflattering changing room mirrors make them look"
NO!!!! I'm not sure if people will agree with me but this is a no, it also needs to look good on the personal what if they love the outfit but doesn't look good on them and it could be for any reason say for example colour makes them look washed out, it's not the style for their body shape, as if you shop for your body shape the more flattering and better the clothing looks on a person. To be this is about sales and making people buy things they are not going to wear, Why would you buy something you can't see how it looks on you because your going to get home try it on and ether love or hate it. If you hate it then one thing is that your going to be pissed off you have to go all the way back to the shopping centre to return the clothing. You are meant to look at what the clothing looks like on you its how you choose your style and what suits you its not about making your self feel bad because something doesn't look good on you, you find your shape you find what suits you and flatters your figure and dress to it, I promise your feel alot more confident about your self this way than not looking in the mirror.
Survey of 1,000 women by research company mortar also found 52% have low self esteem when looking in the mirror.
They think having more service in store at the changing rooms helping you decide if you look good or not. Women would you want some stranger telling you, you look good in the outfit your trying on or would you rather see if yourself, personally for me I wouldn't believe the people in stores as it's about sales unless you went to a private boutique and it's there job to make sure you look good for example wedding consultants. I know this as I used to be one we made sure the bride looked her best and had a dress which suited her figure.
One a women knows what style of clothing suits them it's easy to go shopping you shop for your shape if yor hour glass, straight, pear, top heavy, boyish figure. What ever Shape you are there is different styles out there to suit everyone you have to be confident in yourself to look into it and be like ok never thought about that style before. Do that and you will look in the mirror and feel good.
Enjoy x
Monday, 27 June 2016
Summer trend for 2016
Floral dress with boots (Ankle boots, combat boots, hiking boots, doc Martins, Lace up boots)
This is one of my favourite trends even before it came out as this is my style I have been wearing for many years now and I still wear this trend to this day. This is my everyday look I rock and even if it wasn't in trend I would still wear this. Not everyone like it but when it comes to fashion it suits some it doesn't for others and if you can pull it off its an effortless look.
Taken this May 2016 this year in rome
blue and white butterfly dress with over sized forest Green sleeveless blouse with black lace up combat boots

Floral dresses are always a big trend and get even bigger every year but they are always dresses with sandels, flat pumps this summer a new trend is pairing a floral dress with a pair of boots for a toughness kind of look but still looking very femanine at the same time. Can wear them with a pair of lace up boots, hiking boots, Ankle boots and combat boots.
This is one of my favourite trends even before it came out as this is my style I have been wearing for many years now and I still wear this trend to this day. This is my everyday look I rock and even if it wasn't in trend I would still wear this. Not everyone like it but when it comes to fashion it suits some it doesn't for others and if you can pull it off its an effortless look.
Taken this May 2016 this year in rome
blue and white butterfly dress with over sized forest Green sleeveless blouse with black lace up combat boots

Floral dresses are always a big trend and get even bigger every year but they are always dresses with sandels, flat pumps this summer a new trend is pairing a floral dress with a pair of boots for a toughness kind of look but still looking very femanine at the same time. Can wear them with a pair of lace up boots, hiking boots, Ankle boots and combat boots.
The Effortless look with the ditsy floral pattern dress and the sweet pastel colours being used for the summer trend of 2016. Layer this with an over sized blouse pattern or plain, Long length shirt, shorts jacket.
embrace your look
rock them dresses and boots
Sunday, 26 June 2016
body, shape and size
Back in 2014!!!
Everyone knows when it comes to fashion and modelling there has been alot of talk going on for years and to this day it still goes on but not much ever gets done. Models went to a heathly size then to a size zero which personally is not what models should be looking like, after a lot of talk and not having fashion that basically is for every size they brought out plus size models, however still to this day they have no got the size right, the average UK size for women is a 14 so why are they calling people under this size for modelling plus size! personally this should get changed. In 2014 Calvin Klein hired Myla Dalvesio age 29 to be the face of their plus size range, it was said that Calvin Klein did not label her as plus size.
see below how the hell is this women plus size
Everyone knows when it comes to fashion and modelling there has been alot of talk going on for years and to this day it still goes on but not much ever gets done. Models went to a heathly size then to a size zero which personally is not what models should be looking like, after a lot of talk and not having fashion that basically is for every size they brought out plus size models, however still to this day they have no got the size right, the average UK size for women is a 14 so why are they calling people under this size for modelling plus size! personally this should get changed. In 2014 Calvin Klein hired Myla Dalvesio age 29 to be the face of their plus size range, it was said that Calvin Klein did not label her as plus size.
see below how the hell is this women plus size
I think there is alot of women out there who would look at this and think what! seriously they class people like this as a plus size then they need to research what the average women size is as everyone is different, if you have a chest your plus size, even if you have a flat stomach but wide hips your plus size. My dissertation at university was based about the media and how women like this are seen. Having a chest or wide hips does not make you plus size, what If your waist is a size 6 to 8 and the rest a 12 altogether this is classing someone in a completely different way and noone gets to hear about it unless they work in this industry like I 

There is NO room for any size if it's between a size zero and a 12 said Myla Dalvesio!
Shouldn't this be looked into and be thought ok we can see where we have been going wrong let's fix this, labelling this women as plus size is crazy beyond and there will be young girls out there driving them self's mad thinking they are to big when personally there is nothing wrong. Personally this is one of these things I read and acually think how does this effect everyone and what do they think when they see this.
Stop for a second and think!
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Fashion vs comfort
What would you choose?
Everyone would love to lounge around in sweats, big t shirts and and comfortable clothes all day long but you can't really go leaving the house going to work in P.J as much as we would like to we can't, but there is times where you can choose comfort over fashion but alot when it's fashion over comfort as you can read below.
Wedding - Fashion
when going to a wedding you will always dress your best as your going to celebrate friends or family getting married.
women - shoes, dresses, hair and make up and can even go all out with a wedding hat
Men - suit and tie or shirt, trousers and shoes
Travelling - Comfort
When travelling it's all about feeling comfortable you don't want to be in any restricted clothing sitting on a train or flying do you, it's all about feeling comfortable and can still look good doing this.
Prom - Fashion
Proms are always more over the top when it comes to fashion as it's about going to get your hair done pinned up or down, nails, spray tan, dress, bag and shoes.
You want to go feeling your best as it's the end of the school year.
First Date - Fashion
First date is always first impression and that's when people want to look their best and keep looking their best for the first half before breaking out the comfy clothes and no make up. This is always something you choose and think I will wear heals even though towards the end of the date they are killing you but beauty is pain.
Everyone would love to lounge around in sweats, big t shirts and and comfortable clothes all day long but you can't really go leaving the house going to work in P.J as much as we would like to we can't, but there is times where you can choose comfort over fashion but alot when it's fashion over comfort as you can read below.
Wedding - Fashion
when going to a wedding you will always dress your best as your going to celebrate friends or family getting married.
women - shoes, dresses, hair and make up and can even go all out with a wedding hat
Men - suit and tie or shirt, trousers and shoes
Travelling - Comfort
When travelling it's all about feeling comfortable you don't want to be in any restricted clothing sitting on a train or flying do you, it's all about feeling comfortable and can still look good doing this.
Prom - Fashion
Proms are always more over the top when it comes to fashion as it's about going to get your hair done pinned up or down, nails, spray tan, dress, bag and shoes.
You want to go feeling your best as it's the end of the school year.
First Date - Fashion
First date is always first impression and that's when people want to look their best and keep looking their best for the first half before breaking out the comfy clothes and no make up. This is always something you choose and think I will wear heals even though towards the end of the date they are killing you but beauty is pain.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Mens Fashion
Done alot of talking about women's fashion so here is one for the men.
Spring and summer 2016 is brought back with traditional colours and modern shape.
White chinos/Jeans are a big trend for men and not many women never mind men can pull off white jeans personally I think it's a look that is not for everyone. white chinos/Jeans are worn best with brown shoes or boots and belts, wear with a fitted T-shirt or button down shirt for a smart casual look.
Or wear with cable knits and patterned sweaters for a preppy look.
Grey is a colour which is in trend for men and it's one of them colours which doesn't go out of style it goes with everything and the different shades can work well for men. Darker greys can be worm with white and lighter colours and lighter greys worn with black and darker colours. Creates a nice contrast.
Green is a colour recently I haven't started to love wear more of this colour. Green has come a big colour in mens fashion for this year and it's not about wearing a green t shirt, there is also dark green jeans and jackets also which look good put together with the right colours as you don't want to take to much away from the colour it's self.
Spring and summer 2016 is brought back with traditional colours and modern shape.
White chinos/Jeans are a big trend for men and not many women never mind men can pull off white jeans personally I think it's a look that is not for everyone. white chinos/Jeans are worn best with brown shoes or boots and belts, wear with a fitted T-shirt or button down shirt for a smart casual look.
Or wear with cable knits and patterned sweaters for a preppy look.
Grey is a colour which is in trend for men and it's one of them colours which doesn't go out of style it goes with everything and the different shades can work well for men. Darker greys can be worm with white and lighter colours and lighter greys worn with black and darker colours. Creates a nice contrast.
Green is a colour recently I haven't started to love wear more of this colour. Green has come a big colour in mens fashion for this year and it's not about wearing a green t shirt, there is also dark green jeans and jackets also which look good put together with the right colours as you don't want to take to much away from the colour it's self.
Necklace Trends
One of my favourite trends and to be honest I used to wear these necklaces a long time before they came into fashion as I love crystal stones such as Amethyst, Tigers Eye, Black Onyx, Rose Quarts and many more.
The crystal pendant trend are high this season as they come in so many different styles as in mood pendants, Wand, Dragon claw and also Symbols. They are a statement trend with art deco - influence by chic style, also have them in a throw back choker style. The chokers are worn on there own the retro plastic loops or can get these in material such as lace. The chokers which are high this season are the ones with the pendant handing in the middle or images such as moons, sun, eye, tree. These symbols are in trend and can lay there pieces together creating different lengths.
The crystal pendant trend are high this season as they come in so many different styles as in mood pendants, Wand, Dragon claw and also Symbols. They are a statement trend with art deco - influence by chic style, also have them in a throw back choker style. The chokers are worn on there own the retro plastic loops or can get these in material such as lace. The chokers which are high this season are the ones with the pendant handing in the middle or images such as moons, sun, eye, tree. These symbols are in trend and can lay there pieces together creating different lengths.
I am a massive book fan and when the book the mortal instruments came out and the infernal devices, within this book i fell in love with the clockwork angel symbol it was something I loved straight away and when I found the necklace I was over the moon. It's one of my favourite pieces as everyone would know.
Spring and Summer 2016 Trene
Patterned patchwork
This season floral and pattern fashion prints are getting bigger and bigger this season there is a trend called patterned patchwork which is mix and matching on one garment, colours are brighter and bolder. Look for skirts and dresses with these bright colours and patterns being used to create eye catching clothing. Can keep it simple wear one item of clothing with is patterns or you can go out and wear a printed dress, patterned blouse over the top with a printed scarf, mixing and matching pattern is never for everyone and not alot of people do this but there is a few like myself who love print and it never goes out of fashion. Patchwork trend is multi patterned designs which are made to create attention and draw you in to all the different colours and textures the print creates on the clothing, it's a textiles technique, which helps to add depth and a centre focus.
Ditsy floral print.
Floral trend which is high is ditsy floral print it's a small scale of floral prints which are scattered or placed random rather than a design such as rows or stripes which are placed in an order. This is more places where they like which makes the design from a distant look as if this is solid colour. Floral seems to be the most commented theme in vintage ditsy print.
Floral and patterns are not for everyone there is people who love solid colours but adding clothing which has a textured look draws attention and being summer wear the bright colours make your day brighter with colour. I alway mix and match but when I do I do keep one theme the same which is colour, the prints are different but if I'm wearing a blue dress with green a patterns on I will wear a blouse with green patterns, keeping this in mind makes the outfit go together so doesn't look as if you have put any old thing together.
This season floral and pattern fashion prints are getting bigger and bigger this season there is a trend called patterned patchwork which is mix and matching on one garment, colours are brighter and bolder. Look for skirts and dresses with these bright colours and patterns being used to create eye catching clothing. Can keep it simple wear one item of clothing with is patterns or you can go out and wear a printed dress, patterned blouse over the top with a printed scarf, mixing and matching pattern is never for everyone and not alot of people do this but there is a few like myself who love print and it never goes out of fashion. Patchwork trend is multi patterned designs which are made to create attention and draw you in to all the different colours and textures the print creates on the clothing, it's a textiles technique, which helps to add depth and a centre focus.
Ditsy floral print.
Floral trend which is high is ditsy floral print it's a small scale of floral prints which are scattered or placed random rather than a design such as rows or stripes which are placed in an order. This is more places where they like which makes the design from a distant look as if this is solid colour. Floral seems to be the most commented theme in vintage ditsy print.
Floral and patterns are not for everyone there is people who love solid colours but adding clothing which has a textured look draws attention and being summer wear the bright colours make your day brighter with colour. I alway mix and match but when I do I do keep one theme the same which is colour, the prints are different but if I'm wearing a blue dress with green a patterns on I will wear a blouse with green patterns, keeping this in mind makes the outfit go together so doesn't look as if you have put any old thing together.
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