Saturday 26 May 2012


with the concept slumber its focusing on the bad memories and an bad environment can cause damage on a child's and person mind

The anxiety, tense and defenceless signs of a person changing
The artist EDWARD MUNCH translated this through paintings showing in ways that you have to look on a deeper meaning to see what he is really trying to say as the painting called "Puberty" the black shadow that is behind the girl which is larger than her, has different names for it. showing that there is always change that is going to happen

Also looking into abuse, neglect  and poverty effects not only a child and adults to the kind of pressure it can cause on a person can damage her or him in ways that you might not see when you look at them but their insides, how they really feel. everything they have been through becomes a bad memory and for some they still live there. presenting these in print works, colour pallet and fabrics to relate to the concept, can be shown in many forms.

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